Hall Rewards


On Sales, Service, Parts & Body Shop.*

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With Hall Rewards you earn points every time you buy or service a vehicle at any of

our locations. It’s that easy. Watch our quick video below to learn more

about all the great benefits of Hall Rewards!

With Hall Rewards you earn points every time you buy or service a vehicle at any of our locations. It’s that easy. Watch our quick video below to learn more about all the great benefits of Hall Rewards!

100 pts = $1 in Savings


military points plus
roundtrip service pick up delivery plus
purchase points
sales or service points
500 bonus points plus
sales or service points plus
sales or service points

Rewards Members


Total Savings Redeemed


*Transaction data is not updated in real time and may be missing transactions that have not yet posted.

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Exclusive Hall Benefits

Now there’s even more to get excited about. Just for being a loyal customer, you’ll also enjoy these additional exclusive advantages:

Now there’s even more to get excited about. Just for being a loyal customer, you’ll also enjoy these additional
exclusive advantages:

$500 Trade Credit*
7-day or 500 Mile Vehicle Exchange**
Complimentary Shuttle Service
Vehicle Health Report with every service visit
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Have Questions

For general inquiries about Hall Rewards send us a message or call 833.242.5563.

For general inquiries about Hall Rewards send us a message
or call 833.242.5563.

Contact Us

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Click below to view all of our locations throughout Virginia and North Carolina.

Click below to view all of our locations throughout Virginia
and North Carolina.

*Trade allowance is exclusive to the original purchaser of the vehicle and is not transferable. All required maintenance as outlined by the vehicle manufacturer must be completed at a Hall service location.

**Vehicle must be exchanged within 7 calendar days of the date of original buyer’s order or 500 miles, whichever comes first. Only one exchange is allowed. The customer is responsible for the difference in price, applicable taxes, title, and processing fee on a new vehicle. Customer will have to qualify for financing in respect to satisfying any pay-off or deficiency on the exchanged vehicle and required to provide a negotiable title. Exchanged vehicle must be returned in the same condition it was purchased. No reimbursements shall be made to the customer on the returned vehicle. This privilege does not apply to wholesale vehicles or vehicles that qualify for any state or federal electric vehicle or clean vehicle tax credit.